
What will happen to the bleeding bark?

The bleeding bark will heal as 'curled green twigs' and miniature boughs of the tree will grow from the bark. These branches and boughs will expand and the tree will regrow to its full size again.”

What will happen once the bleeding bark heals?

The bleeding bark will heal and grow out from earth as a sapling of the tree.

What makes a bark bleed?

“Bleeding bark refers to the area on the tree trunk where it has been hit with the axe. It bleeds because the wood cutter has wounded the tree by cutting and chopping it.

What is the meaning of bleeding bark What makes the bark bleed in the poem on killing a tree?

“Bleeding bark” refers to the area on the tree trunk where it has been hit with the axe. It bleeds because the wood cutter has wounded the tree by cutting and chopping it. 4. In the beginning of the third stanza, the poet has said “No” to lay emphasis on the fact that mere chopping of the tree would not kill it.

Why is the bark bleeding what will happen when it heals Class 9?

The bleeding bark of the tree will heal itself, sending out shoots and branches that will help it regrow to its former size. The tree's roots are firmly fixed in the anchoring earth and, in order to kill a tree, it must be uprooted. It is to be roped, tied and pulled out from the earth-cave.

What is the meaning of “bleeding bark”? What makes it bleed? | 9 | ON KILLING A TREE | ENGLIS...

What will happen when it heals?

Red blood cells help create collagen, which are tough, white fibers that form the foundation for new tissue. The wound starts to fill in with new tissue, called granulation tissue. New skin begins to form over this tissue. As the wound heals, the edges pull inward and the wound gets smaller.

What does hack and chop do to a tree?

Question 5 : What will be the effect of hacking and the chopping on the tree? Answer : The hacking and chopping of the tree would make the tree bleed i.e. secret a liquid but this pain will be relieved soon and the bleeding bark will heal itself.

How will bleeding bark come to its former size?

Its bleeding bark heals itself. From close to the ground, its trunk produces twigs and small branches. It they are left unchecked, they will expand to the former size.

What happens to the tree after all these stages?

The tree has its roots in it. The strength of the tree are its roots. When the tree is pulled out, these are exposed. Pulling out the tree in one jerk with ropes etc., finally kills the tree.

How the tree gets killed in the end?

The tree will go through a process of browning, hardening, twisting, and withering. Then ultimately, the tree gets killed. A tree takes a long time to get itself killed. Only when the roots are exposed, scorched, and choked, the process of dying starts.

What does the poet compare the bark of the tree to?

Answer. Answer: The poet compares the sap oozing out of the bark of a hacked tree trunk to the blood of a human being or a living creature but does not use the word of comparison. Here the uneven, discoloured bark of a tree is compared to the discoloured and gnarled skin of a person suffering from leprosy.

What makes a tree bleed?

When something (pruning or disease) interferes with the tree's system of tissue, sap can bleed. Sap is produced in the leaves (or needles) of a tree and is distributed throughout the tree through the phloem, which runs vertically from top to bottom on the tree.

What does the poet mean by leprous hide?

Leprous hide - Leprous is used to define scaly skin caused by an infectious disease. The poet here means that the skin of the tree looks leprous, meaning rough and scaly.

What does healing look like?

Feeling drained and overwhelmed by a traumatic event is a normal part of the crisis response. When you notice that you are using the trauma to help others, inspire yourself into healthy action, or feel you have ownership over your story, you are healing. The traumatic event no longer defines you.

How does the body heal itself?

When your skin is cut, platelets in your blood clot to stop the bleeding, white blood cells remove the dead, injured cells and new healthy cells repair the damaged tissue. Daily wear and tear are also promptly dealt with. In fact, our bodies are in a constant state of removing damage and producing new, healthy tissue.

Which blood cells heal wounds?

White blood cells help fight infection from germs and begin to repair the wound.

What is the meaning of curled green twigs?

The expressions 'bleeding bark' and 'rise curled green twigs' don't have the same meaning. The expression 'bleeding bark' shows destruction, but 'rise curled green twigs' expresses growth. The first one shows pain and the second one shows pleasure. So they are contrasting expressions.

What did the tree have on it then?

Answer. The tree had particles of snow on it.

Do trees grow?

Trees grow in height as a result of meristems that are located at their branch tips. These meristems are called apical meristems. Roots also expand through the soil by growing at their tips as a result of apical meristems.

What does bleeding trees stand for?

The tree acted as a form of temporary shelter and solace to the bird but was also its final resting place. As a bleeding tree, it may also reference the Crucifixion, making it a powerful sign of love and death for Christian families like the Armstrongs.

Where are bleeding trees found?

Two hundred miles off the coast of Yemen is Socotra, a remote island known as the jewel of the Arabia, where a species of otherworldly tree known as dragon's blood has bloomed for millenia. With its unusual, umbrella-like appearance, the tree is native to nowhere else.

What does the poet compare the bark of tree to a sunlight b leprous hide c simple job D consuming the earth?

Answer: The poet describes the broken, discoloured bark of a tree that has been hacked and which resembles a leper's skin. Leaves grow from the leprous hide or the bark of the tree. This is ironic because leprosy usually eats away the body.

What is the strength of the tree and what happens to it when it is exposed?

Thus, the phrase “the strength of the tree exposed” refers to the roots of the tree being exposed to sunlight and air after removing it from the ground. This would eventually lead the tree to die.

How does the poet describe the growth of the tree in the first stanza of the poem?

Answer: The poet, Gieve Patel describes how a tree grows in the first stanza of his poem “On Killing a Tree”. According to him, the tree grows slowly consuming the earth firmly. It absorbs sunlight, air and water from nature for years to make food with these nutrients.


Zora Stowers

Update: 2024-05-21