
Amber Massey And Nanny Dana Schutz In A Drama, What Really Happened Between The Two?

Apparently, all is not well between influencer Amber Massey and her baby nanny cum care-taker Dana Schultz. There is an ongoing drama between them, and the Internet is quite curious to get insights into it.

Amber is a blogger, influencer, and mother of five children. This is exactly how she introduces herself.

Amber Massey And Dana Schutz Drama

Remember the times when Amber Massey’s kids were a part of Dana Schultz’s life? Oh, how times change, and highs and lows go hand in hand. Danny is no longer active on her Instagram account, and her last post was on June 30. On the other hand, Amber has unfollowed her, and you can no longer find her pictures on Amber’s Instagram handle.

Reddit, Twitter, and other social media handles are going crazy about this. Everyone is curious to find out what may have gone wrong between the two, but as many discussions, the same amount of confusion has emerged. Many people say that they might have signed an NDA, which is why no one has come up to clarify the coldness between the two.

It is said that Dana Had dropped out of her nursing school to loom after Amber’s kids, and she did everything she could to raise the. Fans had constantly been noticing Amber going out with her fellow influencer Instagrammers leaving her children back to the nanny. Many of them had pinpointed it as well, but it is strange that Dana is no longer a part of the Massey family. She has, in fact, completely left her social media life as of now.

Reddit Discussions On Amber Massey And Dana Schutz Issue

On a random thread, one person started the conversation by asking what had happened between Amber and Dana. He was curious to know the reason behind them being no longer together on the web. He further says that Dana dropped out of nursing school to work for the Massey family full time and used to do everything with them, but now they have unfollowed each other.

A lot of people engaged with this but most of the comments have been deleted. One of them replies, “Everyone has been completely mum on this. I wonder if she signed a NDA.”

Similarly, regarding having fun with her friends, and leaving her children for her nanny to take care of, a Reddit thread taunts her. An influencer named Madi nelson was questioned if she had no friends on the Internet and why she was never out partying. To this, she replied by saying that she enjoyed spending time with her children, and she did not feel right leaving the kids for trips. The Redditor puts out the screenshot asking if Amber could take note of that.

What Happened To Amber Massey? Arrest News

An Instagram account has been created that says, ‘Amber Massey was arrested for family violence on May 3rd, 2021.’ A series of evidence has been put out to prove that she’d been trying to hide her crime.

The account handler also tries to hold the brands working with her accountable, but many of them have blocked it. Hence, the news is still not confirmed and the person trying to bring it out seems to have given up.


Carisa Kissane

Update: 2024-05-22