
Meet Nicole Jaracz, Ex fiance of Drew Carey


A significant year for Drew Carey was 2007. In addition to taking over for The Price Is Right’s irreplaceable host, Bob Barker, he also got engaged. A few years ago, Carey proposed to Nicole Jaracz, a chef. Even though they were never married, the pair did part ways peacefully in 2012.

People Magazine was informed at the time by Drew’s agents that they “still share a tremendous amount of love and affection for one another… He will continue to play a significant role in their son’s life. Carey still has a close relationship with Conner, who is Jaracz’s child from a previous union.

He Lost Weight Thanks to the Boy He Calls His Son

Jaracz and Conner are actually tight with Drew. In fact, he attributes his life-changing weight loss to the youngster he refers to as his own son. Carey told Parade, “I couldn’t keep up with him. He claimed that after telling Connor, “I can’t,” the youngster would respond, “C’mon, Dad!” That feeling was awful to Carey.

Carey said she had the notion, “I’m never going to see him graduate high school. But because of Connor, Drew began his weight-loss plan, persevered, and lost more than 100 pounds. Carey asserts that his Type 2 diabetes was cured as a result of his drastic weight loss.

Second fiancée: Amie Harwick
Carey proposed to another woman six years after he and Jaracz broke up. Former model Amie Harwick also held a license in marriage and family therapy. Harwick dated a number of musicians and celebrities during her time in Los Angeles, but being with Carey was unique.

After meeting at a gathering organized by their mutual acquaintance, Full House producer Jeff Franklin, the couple bonded in 2017. Her closest friend Robert Coshland acknowledged that Carey was unlike most of her ex-boyfriends in that he was actually “a decent person.” “Oh finally,” we thought when she started dating Drew. The couple got engaged after only a few months.

Different “Communication Styles”: A Problem

Several times throughout their relationship, Carey and Harwick walked the red carpet together. The couple called off their engagement in November 2018 despite frequently posting pictures of themselves together on social media in full PDA.

Harwick was crushed, even though their acquaintances would only say that they had “differing communication styles” in response to the breakup. A friend of hers recalled, “It was one of the few times I’d seen her in anguish and collapsing.”

Unexpected tragedy

Up to Carey’s untimely death in February 2020, Harwick and Carey remained close friends. The 38-year-old had been attacked by her ex-boyfriend, Gareth Pursehouse, and was discovered outside of her Hollywood Hills residence.

Drew left the Price Is Right set for a week after learning the heartbreaking news of her sad death. Then he posted a homage to his deceased ex-fiance on Twitter. “Hope you’re lucky enough to have someone in your life that loves as much as she did,” he wrote with a photo of the two of them.

“I Am Surrounded By Grief”

Carey said that he and Harwick “had a love that individuals are lucky to have once in a lifetime” in a statement to CNN. He went on to say that she was an inspiration, “a tireless and unapologetic champion for women,” and that she was deeply committed to her work as a therapist.

He said, “I am overtaken with grief.” Then he asked for everyone’s understanding as he and those who loved Harwick “tried to work through this awful situation.”

The news about this period in his life may shock fans of Carey and The Price Is Right. So here is the detailed account…

The evening before Valentine’s Day

On Valentine’s Day 2020, Dr. Amie Harwick had just returned from a burlesque act she had seen late into the night. She was discussing a planned vacation to the UK with Coshland through SMS.


She received the webpage for a highly regarded restaurant in Edinburgh from Coshland. She replied to him at 1:00 a.m. and said the restaurant appeared to be hip. At 1:16 a.m., fifteen minutes later, police were called about a lady who was yelling at Harwick’s residence in the Hollywood Hills.

Under Her Balcony, Unresponsive

Harwick’s roommate leaped over the fence to meet the police after making the 911 call. At that point, they discovered Harwick unconscious and crumpled beneath her own balcony. She had apparently been tossed out of the window of her third-floor flat after being strangled.

She was taken to the hospital right away but passed away there due to blunt force trauma to her head and torso. Later, homicide was identified as the official cause of death. What the hell just happened, I wonder? Who and why did this to her? the ex-boyfriend appears.

The former boyfriend, Gareth Pursehouse

A software engineer, photographer, and (believe it or not) wannabe comedian, Gareth Pursehouse, 41, was detained four days later. He was jailed on a $2 million bail and accused of laying in wait, first-degree burglary, and one count of murder.

If Pursehouse is found guilty, he could receive the death penalty or life in jail without the chance of parole. By the way, he entered a not guilty plea. “Mr. Pursehouse is considered innocent, and it is the duty of the prosecution to prove otherwise in a court of law with adequate evidence, not speculation, rumor, or innuendo,” said his public defender, Robin Bernstein-Lev, in a statement to Rolling Stone.

Two restraining orders and three months

Even though Harwick and Pursehouse only had a brief relationship in the 2010s—a few months—close friends of his were aware of Pursehouse. He was domineering and aggressive, and because of this, the relationship ended badly. In fact, Harwick sought two restraining orders against him in 2011 and 2012.

Harwick later referred to him as “my stalker” in conversation, but her pals weren’t duped by her nonchalant disregard of him. They were aware of the tremendous amount of effort she put forth to heal from the trauma of their brief connection as he faded into the background of her lively and busy life.

“Grown-Up Wednesday Addams” style

She was almost unaware of him for a while. The L.A. County District Attorney’s office, however, asserts that he obviously didn’t forget about her. After all, it’s challenging to forget her. The gorgeous woman was constantly decked out to the nines.

She frequented everything from burlesque clubs to go-go bars to metal concerts. She frequently attended events at Brookledge, an exclusive club that functioned as the center of the city’s magic scene. She once had a friend who once described her as wearing gorgeous gothic clothing. Really mature Wednesday Addams.

A Wild Side Business of Fire-Eating and Modeling

Close acquaintances described Harwick as a “bright and curious” lady who was independent and motivated. Her master’s and doctorate degrees from the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality were paid for out of pocket. She continued to work as a model, bartender, fire eater (! ), and go-go dancer throughout the entire time.

The woman did have a darker side; she was compelled by the shadows. She once purchased the bras worn by Sharon Tate (who was killed by the “Manson Family”) at an auction because, among other things, she was interested in the occult. (Now that you mention it, the Wednesday Addams allusion makes sense.)

Uncommon in Hollywood

According to Dr. Hernando Chaves, a sex therapist and close friend of Harwick’s, she loved all things gory and wicked. He says, “The darkness made her feel alive and joyous.” “She was always upbeat, even through the worst circumstances in her life.”

Above all, she was a kind and kind person—something of a rarity in Hollywood. Her friend Coshland said of her, “She took her natural ability of relating with people into her therapeutic environment, and that’s what made her a good therapist.” Because of this, her loved ones were perplexed when she passed away suddenly.

The Media Was Fixated On Her Famous Ex-Fiancés

Following her passing, the media’s fixation on her “proximity to celebrities” rather than the accomplishments of her life caused her loved ones angry. After being a patient of Harwick’s for two years, model Emily Sears expressed her frustration at the media’s attention on her famous ex.

Harwick was raised in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, after being adopted as a newborn. She stayed close to her family and frequently flew home to participate in their yearly cookie exchanges. She used to work at the Bavarian Pretzel and Wet Seal in the neighborhood mall. She admired musicians like Depeche Mode and Marilyn Manson, whom she apparently briefly dated in the past.

The Goth to the Go-Go

The heavy metal band musician and the goth girl eventually fell in love, got married young, and moved to Los Angeles in 2001. She gradually remade herself and honed the glitzy, vintage look she eventually came to rock in red carpet pictures.

She began her career in Los Angeles as a personal trainer (she produced the exercise DVD Fit to Rock) and a model going by the name Amie Nicole. She first met Pursehouse at a go-go dancing job in the beginning of 2010. He worked as a photographer and an IT professional at the time. She generally dated metalheads, so the 6’4″ good-looking man was a change of pace.

He Smelled Like Ted Bundy

Although he was unique, her pals weren’t impressed. A friend of hers stated, “To me, Gareth was just another L.A. Ken doll failing to become an actor or comic.” Pursehouse was compared by another friend of Harwick to Ted Bundy, another “blandly beautiful, superficially affable man.”

Although Harwick’s friends recall Pursehouse as being excessively watchful of her to the point of being creepy, Harwick didn’t feel that way at first. Her friend Tommy Vext thinks that Harwick was having issues with abandonment anxiety as a result of being adopted.

A Negative Obsession

It’s preferable for those with abandonment issues to feel required rather than wanted, according to Vext. I can understand how Gareth, who has an unhealthy addiction, would have made her feel protected. But by 2011, she had already sought her first injunction against him.


According to court filings, she alleged that he repeatedly “choked me, smothered me, shoved me against walls, kicked me, force-restrained me, dumped me to the ground with force, and punched me with a closed fist.” Her request was denied due to insufficient prosecution.

Things Will Get Worse, He Warned Her.

She claimed that he yanked her out of the car, gave her a bloody nose, and left her there on the motorway. A year later, she was given another restraining order. Additionally, according to Harwick, he repeatedly broke into her apartment, shattered her picture frames, and sent her a warning that “things will get worse.”

Harwick didn’t extend the restraining order against Pursehouse after its regular five-year expiration in California. She was probably scared to accompany him back to court. Every few years, ever since she had been terrorized by an unidentified individual, vile articles about her would appear on a notorious gossip website from an unidentified author.

Either him or a former female friend was responsible.

Harwick had her suspicions about Pursehouse, but she also considered the possibility that it may be a former female acquaintance who had tormented her in the past via text and email. In 2015, Harwick requested a restraining order be issued against her. In a way, all of this harassment paved the road for Harwick to land her dream job as a sex and relationship therapist.

She first intended to focus on family counseling, but she lost her position working with juvenile offenders after someone emailed her former employer nude images from her modeling days. Coshland noted, “She felt like it was unnecessary and stupid that she would lose jobs over nude images she’d done.”

A decade or so after first meeting…

Beginning with treating those with stigmatized sexual identities, such as sex workers, deviants, or non-monogamy, Harwick began to concentrate on relationships and sex therapy. She felt particularly qualified because she had experience as a goth child and connections to members of the BDSM and kink groups. Even so, she had her own business in West Hollywood.

She was preparing to walk the red carpet with Dr. Chaves for her appearance on a panel at Xbiz in January 2020 discussing mental health and therapy when she met Pursehouse, who was there as a photographer for the occasion. Pursehouse became furious and yelled at her, “You’re a hypocrite,” and “You destroyed my heart,” after dating her for approximately ten years.

Weeks Prior to His Killing Her…

As a result of his outburst, Harwick into “therapist mode” and talked with him while sitting with him on a bench to defuse the situation. Pursehouse again excused herself to speak with Harwick outside when she later approached his table during the wedding.

Following the ceremony, a distraught Harwick and Chaves discussed the evening’s events over breakfast. They discussed about acquiring mace or pepper spray and altering the locks on her doors, according to Chaves. They contemplated calling the cops as well. A little over a month later, he killed her.

She saw the need to defend herself.

Harwick declined Chaves’ invitation to remain at her home, stating that she now had a new roommate and felt secure. In addition to changing the locks, Harwick went ahead and purchased the mace and pepper spray. As Chaves recounted, “I thought she was doing everything she needed to do to protect herself.”

“I couldn’t have imagined someone going this far,” Valentine’s Day eventually arrived, but it was Harwick’s last. That evening’s events remain largely a mystery. However, the residence “revealed possible evidence of a struggle in the upstairs as well as forced entry to the residence,” according to the LAPD.

A Rumored Relationship With Dave Navarro?

Her friends quickly recalled what had transpired at the Xbiz event. Coshland said that she had even added, “If anything happens to me, it’s Pursehouse.” Pursehouse was initially detained, released on bail a few days later, and was then detained once more the next day.

According to two of Harwick’s pals who spoke to Rolling Stone, musician Dave Navarro, a friend of Harwick’s, called the police after learning from Pursehouse’s mutual friends that he had mistakenly believed Harwick had cheated on him with Navarro while they were dating. Navarro also thought he was in danger.

An advocate for victims of domestic violence

Navarro informed his followers on Instagram that he called the police to re-arrest Pursehouse after learning that “friends were alerted he wanted to target another victim.” However, when Navarro was approached for comment, a representative for him claimed that he had simply phoned the police as a “concerned friend” and a supporter of victims of domestic abuse.

Since Navarro’s mother had allegedly also been murdered by an abusive ex-boyfriend, he wanted to make sure the maniac wouldn’t be allowed to remain on bail. After Harwick passed away, a petition to strengthen legal rights for victims of domestic violence was started.

Drew Carey was gracious to Pursehouse.

Carey made a remote appearance on The Talk to discuss his experience coming to terms with his ex-murder. fiancé’s After hearing about her death, he claimed he “couldn’t function” and required a week off from his show. The Price Is Right was entertaining high school students for Kids Week on his first day back.

Carey admitted, “I spent time during the break to chat to these youngsters. Since it was all high school students, I really wanted to participate. I told them that I had forgiven the person who had killed Amie.

The Motive Behind His Forgiveness

Why on earth would he pardon the person who brutally murdered her? Carey then clarified his motivation, saying, “He’s mentally ill.” You know, you have to be able to forgive individuals like that. The guy was abused as a child.

Forgiving someone does not need you to associate with them or become their buddy. He thinks that it’s crucial for everyone to hear his message of forgiveness, especially young people.

When Was Drew Carey Born?

Carey was born on May 23, 1958, making him 63 years old today, which at least somewhat explains his words of wisdom. “It would be so simple to carry about daily thoughts of retaliation or other things that are not happening. Nothing could ever undo what he accomplished, according to Carey.

“I genuinely try to put unconditional love and quick forgiveness into practice. The more similar you can be to that, the better. And I constantly fall short of that. Carey is doing what he does best while grieving his loss—making others smile. He took part in the Celebrity Wheel of Fortune in 2021 alongside Teri Hatcher and Chrissy Metz.

Some facts about Drew Carey You Might Not Know

Did you know that Carey doesn’t actually require the glasses he wears, the ones that have come to define his persona? For the first half of his career, his black horn-rimmed glasses were what made him stand out on television.

He underwent LASIK in 2001 to improve his eyesight, which eliminated the need for glasses. Carey continued to wear the glasses, albeit with clear lenses since they were so intimately associated with his persona. The public does not recognize him when he leaves without them. Carey once informed some patrons in a Cleveland nightclub that he was the host of The Price Is Right on television. One said, “I thought Drew Carey presented The Price Is Right.

Brooks Parkenridge, aka Drew Carey,

Did you know that Drew Carey owns a portion of the soccer franchise Seattle Sounders? He is involved in many ways than just financially. Under the alias Brooks Parkenridge, Carey has been documenting the team’s action through photos. The unknown

According to Carey in a 2005 interview with Sports Illustrated, “If I wasn’t a comic or TV star, my other dream job was to be a photojournalist.” When I see Christiane Amanpour on television, I feel envious of the L.A. Times photographer Carolyn Cole and think, “Man, wouldn’t it be fantastic to be her cameraman and be at these cool sites where history is moving.”

Compare McDonald’s and A&W

Carey agreed to endorse A&W in 1998, which got him into some problems because his sitcom character preferred McDonald’s. Later that year, Carey was spotted getting lost in China and finding his way inside a McDonald’s restaurant on an episode of The Drew Carey Show.

A&W refused to pay the remaining portion of Carey’s endorsement money as a result. They asked he return the $450,000 that had already been given to him. Carey told Esquire in 2007 that she “didn’t eat at the McDonald’s on the show.” I took a fry off of a child’s plate, but I didn’t take any food.

Taking part in the Royal Rumble

One wrestler is allowed to enter the squared circle at a time during the annual WWE Royal Rumble match. Major professional wrestlers like The Undertaker or John Cena typically compete in the tournament, but in 2001, Carey found himself there.

Carey agreed to compete as the sixth wrestler and the first celebrity on the show by acting out a routine in which he insulted WWE owner Vince McMahon. Instead of being permitted to leave without incident, Carey was challenged by Kane and was on the verge of being choked before another wrestler stepped in to save him.




Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-05-22